Current Projects

Listed below are only some of the organizations that we have helped in finding their place in the community.

  • Chinese Unity is interested in promoting unanimity amongst Chinese and Chinese-Americans. Chinese Unity has also helped many Chinese find their place in the U.S. They promote a get-together to celebrate Chinese New Year every year.
  • The Northern Illinois Chinese Association is dedicated to provide support to Asian immigrants in their attempt to adapt to American culture as well as improving the image of Chinese Americans that is being portrayed in the United States. The NCA supports Chinese schools and hold many cultural events.
  • The Amitabha Buddhist Library offer free classes for those who are interested in Buddhism or want to know more about the religion. The library also holds many Buddhist materials that are useful to Buddhists and anyone researching the subject of Buddhism.
  • The Bok Kai Temple in Marysville, CA is a beautiful temple that contains many Gods and a rich history of the Chinese-Americans who built the temple. There is an ongoing project to preserve and save the temple. The website also details historical facts not only about the temple but also the history of the Marysville Chinatown and Chinese customs.
  • The Chicago North Chinese School has been around since 1981, educating Chinese and non-Chinese alike the Chinese language and culture. CNCS offers an array of additional elective programs in addition to their language classes which include badminton, folk dance, Chinese yo-yo, and Martial Arts.